La potato grows

been thinking about life lately

Tout reprendra

Pourquoi fumer du tabac à pipe

pourquoi rien ne se passe

Loco in acapulco

à quand Tchernobyl

faut-il agir, pourquoi agir, comment agir,

Pourquoi vivre certains se demandent

Qu’une succession de moments de plaisir et de souffrance

it even hurts to write

twice a day is still too much

Come here for a night please, to think of ther things

Why is it so hard to get down to it

points rouges et jaunes

à travers une vitre sale

Le reflet des âmes

L’ombre des cages en métal

horribles cages en métal

how long will it keep lying

As long as the potato grows

Back in the fucking routine

Switch as alwayS

What’s behind the wall ?

there’s no rhyme anyway, and the song keeps being shredded

Nobody cares

And he still loves him.


garçon interstellaire